Testament the Bible in Animation Wikia

The Plagues of Egypt appeared in the episode Moses. The plagues of Egypt where plagues sent by God to convince Merneptah to let the slaves go

First Plague: Blood

At the Festival of the Nile, Moses and Aaron strike the water with a staff. All the water that the Egyptians drank became blood. Moses says "All water shall become blood. The sullen river, the canals, pools and cisterns shall thicken to Blood And Crawl In Egypt Sun, Luckly Can Nobody Was Hurt Water Blood It Won't Hurt

The water becoming blood

The Nile becoming blood.

Second Plague: Frogs

Billions of frogs fill the land. Everywhere people look there are frogs. There are frogs in people's beds, ovens, houses, and they fill the street. After the frogs die there is a great stink. Aaron Say's Like The God Is Heck It In The Image Our a Frog.

The Plague of Frogs

The Plague of Frogs.

Third Plague: Lice

Lice appear crawling on man and beast.

Fourth Plague: Wild Animals

Wild animals appear attacking the people

Fifth Plague: Locust

Death of the Livestock

Death of Livestock.

Billions of Locust devour any food and plants that the hail and ice didn't destroy.

Sixth Plague: Darkness

The World becomes dark for 3 days. Only the slaves have light.

Seventh Plague: Death of the Firstborn Son

The Plague of Ice and Hail

The Plague of Ice and Hail.

The Angel of Death goes throughout Egypt. Death passes every house with blood on the doorpost. Death kills every firstborn son of every unmarked house. Even Merneptah's son is killed. This is the final plague and convinced Pharaoh to let the slaves go.

Death passing bye

Death passing by.


  • In the Bible there are 10 plagues.
  • Plagues in order: Blood, Frogs, Lice, Wild Animals (Possibly Gnats), Death of Livestock, Boils, Hail and Fire, Locusts, Darkness, and Death of the Firstborn Sons.